The Cord

We are connected, my child and I, by an invisible cord not seen by the eye. It's not like the cord that connected us 'till birth, this cord can't be seen by anyone on earth. This cord does its work, right from the start, it bonds us together, attached at the heart. I know that its there though no one can see, the invisible cord, from my child to me. The strength of this cord, its hard to describe, it can't be destroyed, it can't be denied. It's stronger than any cord, man could create, it withstands the tests, can hold any weight. And though you are gone, not here with me, the cord is still there, but no one can see. It pulls at my heart, I am bruised...I am sore, but this cord is my lifeline, as never before. I am thankful that God connected this way, a mother and child, death can't take it away.
-Author Unknown
A few nights ago, I could not fall asleep. I don't know why, I was wide awake just thinking. Before I knew it, my thoughts led me to memories of Wayland. They were painful memories. The kind that put the pit right back in my stomach and then I want so badly to hold him and see him again. There was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep, so I got up and did some yoga and then I looked at my Bible. It had been awhile since I read Scripture, I knew it was time to open it up. The page I opened too, I found the above poem, The Cord, tucked in the pages of the psalms. I couldn't believe it. It was perfect, a God moment. I don't remember putting this poem in my Bible, I don't even remember getting it or who its from (I suspect my Mom). But there it was right it front of me in a moment of need. I cried and cried as I read the words. I knew Wayland was just as connected to me as he always has been. I was grieving, but I knew I would be ok and that Wayland knows and loves me still even though time marches on and the memories seem to be fading.
September, as most of you know, is Childhood Cancer Awareness. It is a time for us to remember that there are so many mother's grieving as I am from losing a child to cancer. There are many children now enduring painful symptoms and treatments to give them a fighting chance at life. It is sad, scary, expensive, and so hard to keep on hoping. I know every month has its mission of awareness, its hard to keep up with it all and its even more overwhelming to try to help out every cause. Remember, your efforts don't have to exhaust you! It can be something small. For example, this month the Ball State Dance Marathon is hosting their annual FT5K and Waylands Fun Run on Saturday, September 19. The proceeds go to the Riley Children's Foundation. The race starts at 10 am, Wayland's Fun Run begins at 11am. All events take place at the Alumni Center on the Ball State Campus in Muncie. The cost is $30 to participate in the 5K and $10 for the Fun Run. We would love to see you all there, supporting the kids! Ben and I will also be sharing some words on our foundation updates and our efforts to support DIPG research. Click on the link for registration and more details.
I know schedules are crazy, so another option is to donate toys to your local Children's Hospital. Wayland recieved so many fun toys at scans and appointments. They really brightened his day. You can do that too. We also will be selling the Headbands of Hope (as seen in the picture) at local hair salons for the month September. They will be at Viva Salon, Flipped out Hair Salon (ask for Leslie), and 600 The Salon, in Carmel. They are for sale $20 each. Or do you know someone now fighting a pediatric cancer? Maybe you can send them a gift card, or a small gift to let them know you support them or even just a card to let them know you can count on them to help with a small chores around the house.
Life should never be too busy to give an act of love. September reminds us of that. Let the golden color of this month remind you of what you can do for the kids, to support Childhood Cancer. Your help will make a diffierence.
Love from Indy,
Amber, always Wayland's mommy