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This is for all the Moms...

We all know its Mother's Day tomorrow. Some of you have big plans, family gatherings, or brunches. Some of you had Mother's day celebrations at school with your children this week. Those are moments to cherish. Some of you are like us, no plans. I just hope to do a little work in my garden (despite the rainy forcast...we'll see). Its just hard for me to get in the spirit, as it has been the last two years, because all I want is both my children here with me. As I anticipated this weekend, I couldn't help but realize that I am not alone in my pain. So, this post is a post in honor, in remembrance. This is a post of dedication...

This is for my Mom, who watched her Mother lose her son and who then watched her daughter lose her son. Who watches all of her children face their life's challenges and stands by them no matter what.

This is for Mothers like Eva, who watched her grown daughter suffer and die a painful death from Pulmonary Hypertension and two years later was widowed. I know she would have wanted Wendy by her side to support her in these days of mourning.

This is for mothers like Lynsey, who saw her 18 month old child face an impossible diagnosis of Neuroblastoma. Who suffered along with Henley for 3 years, only to lose her at the age of 4.

This for Mothers like Anne, who never was able to carry a child to term, who mourns her empty womb, but who welcomed two beautiful adopted children into her life.

This is for Mothers like Leslie, who never had the chance to have a child of her own, but embraces of calling of fostering children who desperately need love and safety.

This is for Mothers like Leigh, who suffered a full-term miscarriage and who I know feels the emptiness of never hearing her daughter cry for the first time.

This is for Mothers like Terry, who went from having a healthy, grown daughter (Kiley, a mother of 5), to having a daughter that she had to take off life support days later and ultimately die from a stroke.

This is for Mothers like Emily, who woke to find her child had unexpectantly passed away in her sleep. Who never had a chance to say goodbye.

This is for mothers like Stephanie and Emily, who daily care for a child with special needs and chronic health issues.

This is for mother's like Abby and Sara, who face their own motherhood without a mother of their own to call or hold their hand.

This is for Mothers like Ashli, who walk along side a husband who battles cancer, who must wear a brave face for her children and offer courage and support when she herself needs the support and a hand to hold.

This is for Mothers like Emily, who raises her 3 sons alone. Who works tirelessly to support their financial needs.

This is for mothers like Julie, who fought against the unbeatable of odds of stage IV breast cancer, and continues to fight to have more days with her beautiful daughters.

This for Mothers who don't make it through childbirth or who watch their child face addiction or who have a child reject their love or commit suicide. The possibilities of pain are endless, but...

...Your pain doesn't go unnoticed. Your suffering is not forgotten by me this Mother's day. Your's is a painful journey, but it isn't meaningless. Your love and dedication to your children matters. You are loved and you have made a difference. Your day may be joyful, painful or bittersweet. But know it is still a day in honor of your special vocation.

All my love,

Amber, always Wayland's Mommy

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