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Shine Your Way

Have you ever seen "The Croods?" Last fall, my sister shared with me that they had recently watched it as a family. We hadn't seen it yet, so I decided it would be the next movie we watch for family night. We all loved it, especially Amelia. It really is a fun movie and suggest that you should see if if you haven't already...So, why bring it up now? Well, there is a song that is played at the end of the movie that I love. Its called, "Shine Your Way." Amelia recently watched "The Croods" again and ever since, I have been reflecting on the movie often. During Holy Week, it occured to me, that this movie gives a perfect Easter message. Since its the octave of Easter (Catholicism offers 8 days of Celebration because of the depth of meaning in the holiday. We can't possibly pack it all into one day), I feel like its a perfect time to share my reflection.

In the movie, the main character, Eep, meets a boy who helps her to follow her dreams. For us, in the light of Jesus Christ, it has an even deeper meaning. Life offers so many road blocks and so much heart ache; financial stress, difficult relationships, emotional and physical pain, and pain of losing a loved one. Jesus gives example that the pain doesn't need to stop us. He's the one who dries our tears because He gives us the hope of the resurrection, that one day all indeed shall be well. One step further, we're given the power of the Holy Spirit to do just as the song says...shine our way!

Ben's Grandfather passed away this week. He had a stroke several years ago and unfortunately his health was never the same and started needing a lot of assistance. Ben's grandmother was the one who cared for him. All the while, facing her daughter's (Ben's Mom, Wendy) terminal illness and death (She had Pulmonary Hypertension). Yesterday, she had to bury her husband without her daughter by her side. She struggled and I'm sure will continue to struggle, but she was so faithful to her husband and does her best to smile and find humor in life. To me, that is "shining her way." She is not denying her humanity, she doesn't have to. But she is doing her best to find the spark in the darkness and is continuing on towards Jesus. I admire her so much and send her so much love.

I want to end by sharing the lyrics. They continue to inspire me, I hope they do the same for you.

Just before the dawn,

When the light's still gone,

Shine, shine your way,

And you may not know, where to go,

Shine, shine your way

Open road but its still dark,

Build a fire from a spark,

And shine, shine your way,

Feed the feeling in your heart,

Don't conceal it then you'll start,

to find, find your way

No one can stop, what has begun,

You must believe when I say

All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,

Starting today,

Shine, shine, shine

Shine your way

There's an open sky,

And a reason why,

You shine, shine your way,

There's so much to learn,

And now it's your turn,

To shine, shine your way

There's a feeling deep inside,

You can let it be your guide,

To find, find your way,

And there's no time for us to waste,

Got to take a leap of faith,

And fly, fly away

Don't have to walk,

Now you can run,

Nothing can get in your way

All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,

Starting today,

Shine, shine, shine

Shine your way

Morning is breaking,

Darkness is fading,

We found a way to the light

It's such a beautiful sight

Any time, anywhere,

Turn around and I'll be there,

To shine, shine your way

Like a star burning bright,

Lighting up the darkest night,

I'll shine, shine your way

Now I can see,

You are the one,

Sent here to show me the way

All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,

Starting today,

Shine, shine, shine,

We're on our way,

Shine, shine, shine,

That's what we say,

Shine, shine, shine,

Shine your way

There's a reason why

You, shine, shine your way

All of our tears will dry faster in the sun

Shine your way

Love from Indy,

Amber, always Wayland's Mommy

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